Tanah Lot -ийн ойролцоох газрууд

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Here are some tourist attractions to see and things to do near Tanah Lot that we think could be of interest for you.
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Tanah Lot

Tanah Lot нь Tanah Lot дахь Religious places , Indonesia дахь

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Tanah Lot Beach ~0.3km

Tanah Lot Beach нь Tanah Lot дахь Beaches , Indonesia дахь аялал жуу

Tanah Lot дахь зочид буудал

Бүх зочид буудлыг үзэх Бүгдийг харах
Nirwana, 4 Bedroom Villa, Car+Driver, Tanah Lot

эхлэх $0

Sundara, 3 Bedroom Villa, Car+Driver, Tanah Lot

эхлэх $0

Arjuna 3 Bedroom Villa, Tanah Lot, Tabanan

эхлэх $0

Natya Hotel Tanah Lot

эхлэх $76

Surya, 3 Bedroom Villa, Car+Driver, Tabanan

эхлэх $0

Dewi Sinta Hotel and Restaurant

эхлэх $25